Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My righteousness comes from God

I used to read proverbs and wonder well which am I, the wicked or the righteous.  It seems so clear cut you are either one or the other.  As a Christian I know I am forgiven for being wicked.  In fact I know that I was and at times I am wicked, deceitful, and more.  I also know I am forgiven.  The Bible lets me know that my righteousness is but filthy rags.  Yet I have been redeemed and given the righteousness of Jesus.  I am clothed in His righteousness.  It brings a certain light to many of those passages like in proverbs 11 where it talks about the a persons righteousness making their path straight and delivering them, among other things.  I feel dumb not really thinking about this before, maybe I did and I just forgot.  Either way I know that I am righteous only by Jesus, but now I look at a verse like proverbs 11:5 and see that Jesus who makes me blameless will make straight my way.  In one sense did I know this yes but it makes things brighter to me when I see something like this and put it in perspective.  I know I can be prideful and very wicked but my righteousness, my Jesus, will make my paths straight, will deliver me, he will make me more like Him.  I just thought it would be nice to share what went through my head after reading proverbs today. (bet you can't guess which one)  I know this is probably just for my own reading or re-reading someday but if you stumble on this, pray for me and if you let me know I will pray for you.  God Bless

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I pooped today

Thats all this post is, and though I do it every day I decided to celebrate one of those little things.

Net Neutrality

Net neutrality, good idea or bad.  Not going to say my idea right now just going to point out thoughts on both sides.  Well first it should ensure that I get the same speed for my stuff that others get.  Hopefully I will not get buffering on Netflix.  I will say that since Netflix worked out a deal with Comcast that I havn't had any buffering anyways.  I wasn't to thrilled with the pass it before you read it thing.  We have had a lot of conflict from that being done before.  I wonder if the Internet really is like the phone company.
      I see the logic when it comes to cable lines because it seems like you only have one cable company in an area but not so with cell towers so there is competition there.  That certainly separates it from being a normal utility.  Is it even a utility?  I struggle to think of how I would do things without my Internet connection but I did it before.  Do I have a right to internet or to tell a provider who is offering a service how to do it.  That is what we did with tv and phone service along with other services, but again they often have monopolies in the areas they serve.  Those monopolies are hard not to have due to the nature of the lines they have to run for them, but again cell towers are not like that.
       I know the idea of the government getting involved does make me doubt it won't be taxed before long.  I also heard Mark Cuban mention something about TV could end of being buffered as it is all digital now and basically like Internet data on the cable lines.  I also know when the government got involved with phones we saw a stagnation in development of phone technology.  How many years did people have the rotary phone and how fast have most other things advanced? 

     Well at least for now it is through and we will have to live with whatever it does good or bad.  What do you think?

Jesus is life so lets live Life

I want to do this more but I never do.  Not sure if I am lazy or busy.  I think its a combination of the two.  Well I plan to nix one of those problems, lets hope its the lazy part.

    Well to something I had ideas about recently.  I was thinking that Jesus is my life.  Apart from Him I am dead spiritually and eventually would die a second death.  Know I know that I have Jesus so I won't die that death.  I know it doesn't make me better than anyone else just blessed.  But I realized that while I have this life in Jesus I don't live it enough.
   Do you know what I mean?  It is easy to get Jesus, to belong to Jesus.  I know it is hard and it cost a lot but from my side of things it was easy.  The Holy Spirit stirred my heart and in my brain I said yes I want that.  I couldn't of done it without Him but all in all it was easy for me, a no brainer.  But now its been so many years since He called me and I started "living" for him.  I know I can't live without Jesus, but so often I live like He is an after thought.  I need to live for Him.  To let Him live in me, yet I often just make excuses.  I am not going off the deep end or at least not flying off it, but I am looking at it and the path that leads to it.
    I have thought what ideas do I, as some guy with ideas, want to share.  Well lots, and now I see a focus for many of those ideas is how I can live life.  If Jesus is my life then its how can I live Jesus.  I want to journal or blog that here because well maybe it will help you.  Maybe I like attention and I hope to get some.  Maybe it will keep me accountable to know I have said hey everybody I want to do way better.
   One thing I am doing is trying to do book studies and bible studies with a friend over the phone and email.  I am going to try to share once a week what I have learned about that.  If you actually read this and some how stumbled on my page heckal me if I don't.  Oh in case you didn't know I am a Christian but you don't have to be to heckal me but please be polite.  If you want to start a online study thing with me as well I would be happy to do it.  I am also trying to read a chapter in Proverbs every day.  So watch me or join me in trying to Live the Life.  I am going to say I will not be perfect but the one who called me is.  I already grumbled today about having to go back to my daughters school after she forgot her snow boots.

Well God Bless, I thought I would have so many more profound thoughts but well I am just some guy with ideas not some guy with only the best ideas.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Stop the hype build the pipe

Why is everyone so short sighted.  Oil for energy isn't going away soon, certainly not until something more efficient and cost effective is developed.  I look forward to that but I also look at the now and right now we need all the energy we can get.  We can do it safely and use less of it by not burning fuel to transport it.  That to me makes both economical and environmental sense, a good compromise.    This is why I support the pipelines to transport oil.  That's why I think everyone should because it will be drilled and pumped regardless.  I want the oil for our country and by the best means possible.  Trucks burn all lot of oil to move things.  Trains use some fuel as well, while a pipe just let's it flow.  The key then should be fighting for safe building practices instead of against building a pipeline that will help economy and environment.  In fact I made a t-shirt at my zazzle store to show support.  I support all the pipe projects I know of especially the MA pipe.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ok where to begin. I'm still trying to decide which ideas I should share now. I have wonderful ideas and events happening with my family. Our daughter is amazing though getting heat rash and such because it is too hot here in FL. There is aweful things happening in this country as freedom is curtailed and those who stand against it are all but non-existent. It seems that someone is always trying to legislate behavior instead of moving for a change of heart. Whether is for morals or enivronment or health care we are being told how to think instead of being told facts to think on. We currently have a one party system that is heading to Woodrow Wilson's dream. I could talk about what the Pats need to do to win the next Super Bowl or where Michale Vick should go. Sports abounds with lots of stories. The issues of the church abound. Things positive and negative are happening in the church I attend and accross the globe. Where to begin. I could do the if I was president or some other postion. I would not be opposed to trying for something like that if thats where the Lord leads. I just want to help people. I look forward to doing that in everything. Helping people and spreading the Love of Christ by living out His truth. So now I will start trying to write more. My presidential campaign begins now for some day as well as any other office I will hold on the way. The most important office I hold now though is child of God, then Dad and husband; those will always be the most important. I plan to make a difference in this world for the better however I can. This is more a reflection of my thoughts for myself but people are welcome to read.

God Bless
Write again soon.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Ok for the two people who look at this the pics below are of Ada'Leia our first baby and daughter. She is so wonderful. Enjoy.